
Discuss how understanding the principles of neuroplasticity benefits people

Our brain is a muscle, and like every muscle in our body, it grows when we train them properly. Understanding the principles of neuroplasticity can change every aspect of our life. It can even have a positive impact on mental health and help with recovery from mental illness. Knowing all of that is a huge motivation as it helps us to recognize our abilities and encourages us to feel more comfortable in our learning experiences.

Discuss how you might engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for your own benefit

Reflecting about each topic is a great way to engage with this principle. As I explained before it is hard for me to express myself, for that reason I try to do as much research as I can so I feel confident with my answers.

Also continuing to learn new things, like JavaScript and coding in general, keeps the mind growing with new knowledge. Living a healthy life with physical exercises, regular rest and a good mindset.

What are some of the ways to increase your neuroplasticity?

Keep practicing and exercising my brain. I read that video games help with that alot too, I normally play videogames once or twice a week. Also I’m very bad at reading so I'm challenging myself to read books for my bath times.

Link to a resource that you found particularly useful or engaging.

Growth Mindset

Discuss what it is and why it is relevant

Growth mindset is understanding and believing that intelligence is not a gift you are born with. It is understanding that our mind can be developed to a different level with dedication and hard work, this is important because it helps us to overcome obstacles in our learning experiences.

In this exploration, did anything surprise you? Change for you?

I was always aware that I have difficulties with learning, reading all this embraces me to keep pushing myself and keep growing my mind.

How will you integrate growth mindset into your learning journey?

I will integrate the growth mindset by embracing challenges and being comfortable learning in my own terms

Link to a resource that you found particularly useful or engaging.